
Newspaper Advertisement

  • Reg 47_Np. Publication of Audited FR 31.03.2024

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 28.05.2019

  • Newspaper Intimation 60th AGM _ HUIL

  • Newspaper publication of AFR 31.3.2022

  • Newspaper publication of UFR 30.6.2022

  • Reg 47 Newspaper publication dtd. 30.09.2022

  • Reg 47 Newspaper publication UFR 31.12.2022

  • Newspaper Advertisement for tf of shares & dividend 2014-15

  • HUIL Reg 47 NP Adv._31.03.2023

  • HUIL NP Intimation 62nd AGM-Post Dispatch

  • BSE Intimation Pre-Dispatch NP Adv. 62nd AGM

  • Reg 47 Newspaper publication dtd. 11.08.2023

  • PRE-DISPATCH_Newspaper Advertisement 63nd AGM

  • BSE Acknowledgement

  • NP Publication Post Disptach

  • Reg 47 Newspaper publication UFR 31.12.2023

  • Newspaper publication of UFR for the quarter ended 30.06.2023

  • NP Advertisement for transfer of shares & dividend 2015-16

  • NP Publication post dispatch 63rd AGM

  • NP Advertisement Pre Dispatch 63rd AGM

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 31-10-2018

  • Advertisement for Postal Ballot dispatch and E-voting information October 16, 2018.

  • 58th AGM - Book closure and E-voting instructions advertisement dt. 04-09-2018

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 16-11-2017

  • EGM notice and Remote e-voting instructions advertisement dt. 24-10-2017

  • 57th AGM and Remote E-voting instructions advertisement dt.07-09-2017

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 24-8-2017

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 09-05-2017

  • Newspaper Publication for transfer of Unclaimed shares to IEPF dt 05-04-2017

  • Board meeting notice advertisement dt. 24-1-2017

  • Board Meeting Notice advertisement dt.29.10.2016

  • Dispatch completion advertisement dt.07.09.2016

  • Notice of Board meeting dated May 23, 2016